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James Manley’s lyrics to “Spirit of Gentleness” capture the image of the Holy Spirit as the breath of God.  He writes “Spirit, Sprit of Gentleness, blow through the wilderness, calling and free. Spirit, Spirit of restlessness stir me from placidness, wind, wind on the sea.”


The breath of God is our inspiration, our guide, the wind that blows us through life, not in a haphazard way, but purposefully, encouraging us to face that which frightens us and nudging us closer to others in our worshiping community.  The Spirit is our connection to the Holy One and to others. 


When you aren’t sure what to do in a given situation, the answer is often, stop and breathe deeply and listen for the voice of God.  Breathe in the courage you need. Breathe in the right words when you don’t know what to say. Breathe in hope and grace. 


Like the wind, we cannot capture the Spirit, we cannot tame it, we cannot confine the Spirit of God or put it in a box.  The Spirit will blow where it wills and it is our job to listen and to follow.

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