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The dog pants, the clock ticks, the birds at the feeder squabble, the refrigerator hums, a car drives by.  In the silence there are noises.


Allow the noises to come to your attention and then drift away, focusing only on the presence of the Holy in the silence. Open your ears and your heart and wait. 


Bring to God your questions, your heartache, your joys and your pain. Offer them up and then listen. 


In the silence, there is comfort.  There is wisdom. There is guidance. Those of us who have ears...let us listen. 

Listening for God


Too often we think of prayer as asking God for what we want.  We pray for others, we pray for ourselves, we pray for the world. 


How often do we take time just to listen? 


If we create space in our lives for silence, if we listen with both our ears and our hearts we will hear the voice of God. 




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Listening to Jesus' Voice - Rev. Dawn Garrett-Larsen
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